More About W. D. Gann

W. D. Gann traded all timeframes of the most liquid, active markets. From his trading records in “The Stock Market Course” and interviews where he made over 250 trades in 1 month, we know Gann was an aggressive day trader. His further records reveals he also traded an intra-week timeframe, lunar cycles within the month, and beyond.

After the stock market was dead in the early 1930s Gann left day trading and moved to bigger, safer timeframes for the slower commodity markets. Most researchers have missed Gann’s ability to mix and match his trading system and methods to match the market conditions and timeframe he was trading. Each of Gann’s technique fits with all the rest like a puzzle piece in his entire system, tied together by Gann’s Astro Numerology control-system, which allowed Gann to adapt to whatever market conditions presented themselves. Following is how that plays out in modern markets…
